Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The phenomenon of fake hipsters

This is not really a music-related post, but it's relevant. There has been a growing phenomenon (which I'm sure you've noticed) of fake hipsterism. Now, hipsters have ALWAYS annoyed me, but at least there was a point where they were sincere. Now, what are considered "hipsters" are just high school girls who wear plaid and fake glasses. These are not hipsters. Another example of people misunderstanding hipsters is when someone says, "oh you probably haven't heard if them, they're not mainstream" and people say, "oh you're a hipster." This happens to me often, because most of the music that I like is almost unheard of in the so-called "mainstream." But just because you like music that the people around you haven't heard of, it doesn't make you a hipster. It doesn't even mean you have better taste, for that matter. And wearing plaid and fake glasses because they're "in?" That is not ironic, that is stupid. And, it's literally the opposite of the "hipster mindset." But people continue to think that doing certain things makes them a hipster when they aren't. In fact, I will go so far as to assert this: there is no such thing as a hipster. There is a recent movement of people who think certain things pit them in a certain category, but the category is a LIE.

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