Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The phenomenon of ridiculous time signatures

Music can be a complicated thing. There are many different styles in which to play it, and many different ways in which to play the different styles. There's even a different way to count the beats in the song. These are called time signatures. It is based on he number of beats measure, and the number of measures. The standard rock n' roll song is in 4/4 time, meaning that there are 4 beats per measure, and the measures are organized in groups of 4. However, it is just as common (though more difficult) to write a song in a different time signature, whether something relatively simple like 3/4 or a time signature as outlandish as 17/12 (or whatever). 

I generally prefer to listen to and play music that is in simple time signatures, but that is not to say that I don't enjoy the occasional variation. Bands like Led Zeppelin can create awesome tracks that are very difficult to play, but they still sound so good and normal that you can still rock out to them. Then there are bands like Tool, who play in insanely complicated time signatures, but are still enjoyable and accessible because they still sound amazing even if you can't decipher what they're doing some of the time. 

But there is a point when this ceases being "cool" or even listenable, and just gets ridiculous. There are bands that roll twenty-sided dice to get time signatures, and often switch times mid-song to dizzying effect. I understand that it takes immense skill to pull off such a thing, but if it's so complicated that it becomes frankly stupid, then it's time to CALM DOWN with the playing styles. Seriously, I don't care if you can pull off 14/5 time, if it doesn't sound good then I'm not going to listen to it. When the mind-bending insanity goes so far that it almost sounds like you're playing it wrong, then it's not good music, even if whoever is playing it is the most technically skilled musician of all time. There is a difference between technical skill and good musicianship. If you can shred it on the guitar but can't write a good song to save your life, then you're still not as good as the guy who may not even know the notes on a guitar but can jam out and come up with great material. 

So if you, reader, write a song in 5/7 time, just make sure that someone would actually want to listen to it, and you're not just creating something absurd.

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